Technically speaking, branding and rebranding are quite similar projects. What is different about them is their starting points, which can be either a square one (for branding) or some existing state X (for rebranding). Therefore, we have included both the project types in one brief.
Substantially, this is the most extensive of our briefs so far. This should come as no surprise: a comprehensive change or creation of a company or brand image is a serious undertaking, in which the strategic objectives are often more important than creative ones.
Surprised? An advertising agency that says that creation is not always the most important? For us it is obvious: especially for rebranding projects, a subtle refresh of the image may be a much better solution than ending up nowhere with some over-the-top creative ideas.
But since we are a branding agency; we like to show off nice layouts. Therefore, in addition to our traditional brief templates available in a .doc format (which we can email to you at a request), we also provide the opportunity to fill in a brief in .pdf, which can be downloaded here: branding/rebranding brief.
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